Yoga, Meditation & Therapies
Swāmi Muktibodhānanda
I found yoga in 1972 as an adjunct to classical ballet. I soon realised that the major benefits of yoga practise for me were at an emotional and psychological level. I was fortunate to meet Paramahansa Swami Satyānanda in 1976 at the Sydney World Yoga Convention. And I travelled to India to study under his direct guidance. For 10 years I lived at the Bihār School of Yoga, Munger. I practised various aspects of yoga and specifically taught classical Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Tattwa Shuddhi and Swara Yoga. During this time I also authored ‘Swara Yoga, the Tantric Science of Brain Breathing’ and commentaries on ‘Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, the Light on Hatha Yoga’, the C15 AD Sanskrit text by Yogi Swātmarāma. Both of these books are Bihar School of Yoga publications. In 1986 I had to leave India and return to Australia, where my base has been ever since. Paramahansa Swāmi Niranjanānanda gave me the title of Yogācharya, master of yoga, in 1993.
I continue learning about mind and self in various ways. Several years ago years I studied Choice Theory with the William Glasser Institute Australia (WGIA). The principles of Choice Theory and methods of understanding yourself through Reality Theory are analogous with yoga principles. I am also a Chakra-puncture and Integrated Reflexology Practitioner. I find these therapies highly effective processes to deepen your experience of your higher self and naturally dissolve negative tendencies. Recently I have been involved with the AO Scanner which is a Bio resonance device that enables healing through correcting the body’s unbalanced frequencies. I also offer Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage as a means to experience self-love.
While in Brisbane I offer private sessions at 280 Grand Ave., Forest Lake, and general yoga and meditation classes at Snap Fitness, Forest Lake.
Mid year I conduct a residential Retreat at Sea to Sky, near Whistler, Canada. You can go to this link for more information https://www.muktibodhanandaretreatscanada.yoga
And visit Workshop/Retreats button for more information about upcoming events.